UK’s Bold Green Move For 2035

UK’s Bold Green Move For 2035

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has made the bold announcement that his nation will be aiming to completely eliminate electricity generation from the grid by 2035.<p> Johnson used the platform of the Conservative party conference to make the announcement, and is expected to make more promises in the weeks before Cop26, the climate summit, arrives on British soil in November.<p> “What I’m saying is we can do for our entire energy production by 2035 what we’re doing with internal combustion engines in vehicles by 2030,” he said, in Manchester this week.<p> “And what we’re also saying is that by 2035, looking at the progress we’re making in wind power, where we lead the world now in offshore wind, looking at what we can do with other renewable sources, carbon capture and storage with hydrogen potentially, we think that we can get to complete clean energy production by 2035.”<p> The UK’s move to sustainable and renewable energy sources was one of the few success stories of the last year, generating 43 per cent of its electricity from greener solutions. The move will be welcomed at a time when Britain’s home owners are being hit by increasingly high gas prices, with several suppliers going out of business, and Johnson addressed that problem, saying that removing gas will have more than one benefit.<p> He said: “The advantage of that is that it will mean that, for the first time, the UK is not dependent on hydrocarbons coming from overseas with all the vagaries in hydrocarbon prices and the risk that poses for people’s pockets and for the consumer. “We will be reliant on our own clean power generation, which will help us also to keep costs down.”

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