Net Zero Group commits to Net Zero Target
To align with the most ambitious aim of the Paris Agreement and to what science dictates is necessary to reduce the destructive impacts of climate change on human society and nature - to reach net-zero global emissions by 2050 at the latest in order to limit global warming to 1.5°C - Net Zero Group is also committing to set net-zero targets, including a long-term science-based target:
‘Net Zero Group commits to set a long-term science-based target to reach net-zero value chain GHGs emissions by no later than 2050 in line with the SBTi Net Zero Standard.’
By committing to set a net-zero target, we also acknowledge that Net Zero Group will be part of the Business Ambition for 1.5°C and Race to Zero campaigns.
Zero Carbon Manchester
We have also supported the Zero Carbon Manchester 2038 Commitment to Act, forwarding the following statement:
To align with the most ambitious aim of the Paris Agreement and to what science dictates is necessary to reduce the destructive impacts of climate change on human society and nature - to reach net-zero global emissions by 2050 at the latest in order to limit global warming to 1.5°C - Net Zero Group is committing to set net-zero targets, including working within regional targets, such as those set by Manchester, to become a zero carbon city by 2038 at the latest.
Net Zero Group (Environmental Consultants) believes that Manchester should stay within a science-based carbon budget that is aligned with the Paris Agreement and set 2038 as the target date to become a zero carbon city.
Net Zero Group believes that all organisations and residents in Manchester need to be part of a collective effort to meet our targets and commits to contribute by:
• Acting now, including accelerating our existing decarbonisation activities, wherever possible.
• Taking responsibility for the CO2 emissions from our business activities and working to reduce them to zero by 2038.
• Supporting and influencing our customers, residents, suppliers and other stakeholders to take action.
• Defining the support we need and proactively asking for it, including asking politicians for policy changes wherever relevant.
Manchester has committed to plat its part in limiting the impacts of climate change. According to the latest expert analysis that means emitting a maximum of 15 million tonnes of CO2 between 2018 and 2100 (the 'carbon budget'), reducing our CO2 emissions by 13% year-on-year, and becoming a zero carbon city by 2038.
Meeting these targets will make Manchester one of the world's leading cities for action on climate change, bringing us full circle from the industrial revolution to a new zero carbon revolution. It will also mean creating a dynamic and resilient economy where our business can thrive and where our residents will have access to good, secure jobs and the highest quality of life. Manchester Climate Change Board wants all organisations in the city to help realise this vision.