He’s more famous for helping destroy the Death Star, but Harrison Ford has called-out climate change deniers to stop destroying planet earth in the name of profits and urged people to only vote for political candidates who put climate change at the top of their agenda. Ford is vice chair of Conservation International, a non profit environmental group, who published a video this week “The Most Critical Action”, in which the man who played Indiana Jones was very vocal. As the United States heads towards the polls in the coming weeks, Ford has taken a swing at President Trump, a man who has consistently undermined the global climate debate and promises to pull his country out of the Paris Agreement if re-elected. “The climate crisis is real — the weight of scientific evidence is overwhelming, … but evidence can be ignored. It can be manipulated,” Ford said in a recent interview with Time magazine. “Leaders who choose to make climate change a divisive issue do it to protect the entrenched economic interests who profit from behaviour that destroys our planet. It’s selfish. It’s short-sighted. It needs to stop. … This shit is going to kill us.” Speaking in the video this week, Ford was equally passionate and called on citizens to hold both businesses and politicians accountable by making sure they use their vote for the good of the planet. “Storms, floods, droughts and fires are destroying our homes,” Ford said in the video. “A pandemic threatens our lives, is decimating our economies and laying bare the depths of social inequality. The necessary foundation of our lives is a vital, healthy natural world. … We are watching that foundation crumble. Irresponsible human activity is limiting the ability of the natural world to provide what we need to survive. You can’t eat politics. You can’t breath ideology. We have people in leadership positions who refuse to accept objective science. They are robbing us of the ability to collaborate, to compromise, to move forward.”
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