Aston Barclay Net Zero Updates

Aston Barclay Net Zero Updates

Aston Barclay has successfully measured their company's employee commuting carbon footprint using NetScope the EcoTech software provided by their sustainability partner Net Zero Group. The commuting footprint of staff is collected using data from each employee's primary commuting method including distance, travel type and annual frequency. These have been utilised to estimate the carbon impact, which is referenced as Scope 3 Category 7 emissions.

Total Staff


Staff Completed




Total Team Commuting Footprint (CO2e Tonnes)


Total Team Carbon Reduction Pledge (CO2e Tonnes)


Our Top 5 Emission Reductions Pledges

Eco driving: 164 Staff

Reduce heating by 1°: 138 Staff

Make recycling a priority: 136 Staff

Tackle food waste: 130 Staff

Limit water waste: 110 Staff

Net Zero News

Plastic Tax

The new 2022 plastic tax is great news for the UK’s 2050 Net Zero target encouraging businesses to use recycled content in their products. Engaging with circular processes and putting waste back into production cycles will help reduce demand on our planet's ecosystems.


Electric Vehicle Transition

In-house research into the EV transition found a shift from tailpipe emissions and grid electricity generation to the total embodied emissions from electric vehicle manufacturing. This project has explored the range of environmental impacts of automotive travel from vehicle design, use patterns as well as re-use and recycling.

Aston Barclay proudly supporting: CIKEL Brazilian Amazon REDD+ Project

The CIKEL Brazilian Amazon REDD APD Project aims to avoid emissions from planned deforestation on a property in Paragominas Municipality, Para state, Brazil. The main activity of the CIKEL Brazilian Amazon REDD APD Project is the cancelation of the planned deforestation activities and decision to instead conserve the forest area and continue limited forest management activities in the area under Forest Stewardship Council® Certification (FSC®) with Low Impact Logging (SFMLIL) practices.

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