Travel and Your Carbon Footprint: 3 Ways to Limit Your Impact

Travel and Your Carbon Footprint: 3 Ways to Limit Your Impact

Travellers are becoming more climate-conscious each year. Here are a few ways to be more environmentally friendly when planning your next trip.

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US Experience ‘Winter Heatwave’

US Experience ‘Winter Heatwave’

No snow for Colorado this winter

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Polar Bears Suffer Climate Change Diet Issues

Polar Bears Suffer Climate Change Diet Issues

Ice cap melt changes hunting habit

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Greenland Sees Record Loss In 2021

Greenland Sees Record Loss In 2021

166 gigatons of ice lost

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Did Coal Deal Snatch Victory From Jaws Of Cop26 Defeat?

Did Coal Deal Snatch Victory From Jaws Of Cop26 Defeat?

'Phase Down' does not guarantee anything

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Heat and Humidity Threatens One Billion People

Heat and Humidity Threatens One Billion People

Scientists offer a 'scary vision of the future'

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Sea Levels Rising Faster Than Ever Says Report

Sea Levels Rising Faster Than Ever Says Report

Two metre rise will displace 630 million people

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Climate Crisis Is ‘Biggest Challenge Humanity Is Facing’

Climate Crisis Is ‘Biggest Challenge Humanity Is Facing’

Conflicting ahead of Cop26 summit

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Is Boris Backing Up The Wrong Tree?

Is Boris Backing Up The Wrong Tree?

Biomass plant emits more carbon than African nation

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UK Public Want Greater Green Commitment

UK Public Want Greater Green Commitment

WWF report suggests Government is not moving fast enough

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UK’s Bold Green Move For 2035

UK’s Bold Green Move For 2035

Can Britain go completely sustainable with electric?

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Children Will Face Climate Disaster Says Research

Children Will Face Climate Disaster Says Research

Extreme weather patterns to increase

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Record-Breaking Drop In Car Emissions

Record-Breaking Drop In Car Emissions

EV and PHEV sales dictate falling CO2 numbers

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How SUV To EV Could Save The Planet

How SUV To EV Could Save The Planet

Gas guzzlers are second biggest culprit for CO2 emissions

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Health Experts Call For Immediate Climate Action

Health Experts Call For Immediate Climate Action

200 publications join forces to warn climate is worse than covid crisis

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